
Prices And Availability


price list

Editing of fiction is quoted individually, but my prices range from £0.50 - £1.40 per 100 words, depending on the amount of work required. An exact price will given on request, based on sample of 3 - 4 pages’ work, which I will edit for free to show you how I work. Please email me for a quote.

For more information on what each service type involves, check out my services page.



An edit of a 5,000 word sample including all features of a content edit and recommendation on further editing options.



An edit of the first 50 pages (roughly 15,000 words) of your manuscript, query letter and synopsis.


£1.20 per page

An honest and detailed assessment of a manuscript and recommendation on how to proceed.




This is my current schedule, which is kept regularly updated, for an idea of my current availability. As of August 2022 I have made the decision to reduce my editing workload to focus on academia so while my calendar may indicate that I’m available, I may not taking bookings.

I am currently closed to new clients, but open to referrals. If you are an existing client, please contact me about commissions as normal. If you have been referred to me by an existing client, please email me letting me know who has referred you and we will discuss your work.

The time it takes to edit a manuscript varies depending on the work itself and the kind of editing being carried out, but a 50,000 manuscript should take around a week to ten days, depending on other commitments.

Please don’t hesitate to email any questions you have about the editing process, pricing, or your manuscript. Contact details can be found below.

Gift Vouchers

Refer a Friend!

£20 off an edit when a client is referred, both for the new client and the referee.

Available in any denomination

Hiring an editor is a big expense for authors. Spread the love and ask friends and family members for vouchers from Vicky Brewster, Editor. These vouchers can be applied directly to your final invoice, and are available in any denomination. Email me, using the address below or my contact form, for more details or to pick up some vouchers now!

Contact info@vickybrewstereditor.com

for a quote or more details